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Is Acupuncture Something I Should Add to My Workout?

Is Acupuncture Something I Should Add to My Workout?

The foundation of bodybuilding is determination; going to the gym at regular intervals, completing an entire scheduled routine, and pushing yourself to do a little better every day. The hardest part about retaining this determination, though, is how draining muscle...
Mental Health: Modern Problems Call for Ancient Solutions

Mental Health: Modern Problems Call for Ancient Solutions

Mental health affects us all, but it has become widely publicized recently as a young person problem. We won’t suffocate you with stats but just to paint the picture, people aged 15 to 24 are the most endanger of being affected by mental health issues. 40% of people...
Cosmetic Acupuncture for Anti-Aging

Cosmetic Acupuncture for Anti-Aging

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture? You may be familiar with the benefits of acupuncture including relief of pain, digestive problems, sleep issues, and even weight loss, but have you heard of cosmetic acupuncture? Facial rejuvenation acupuncture or an acu-face-lift is a...
How does acupuncture help your entire body?

How does acupuncture help your entire body?

Did you know that acupuncture can help your whole body?  From your head all the way down to your toes, acupuncture can help treat different symptoms, whether it’s physical or mental.  Things such as hair loss to a sore throat to muscle pain, acupuncture is an amazing...
Learn about Acupressure!

Learn about Acupressure!

Do you have any aches or pains and you don’t know how to get rid of them? Stop living in pain because it’s time to start living pain-free again. Hand Pressure Points and Acupuncture are great ways to get your body feeling better! Have you ever heard of acupressure? By...

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